Bromo Tour Package, Malang, Kawah Ijen Tour Offers 2015

Bromo Tour Package,  I admit it is not easy to find a travel agent who sells a package tour Bromo that offers good service, but at reasonable prices. For those of you who want to spend vacation time toward Mount Bromo tourism by offering relatively low prices and saving, I have a recommendation for you who want to get a package tour Bromo Executive quality.
There are a lot of Bromo Tour Package offered and adjust to your interests who want to go on vacation to Bromo. The wonderful charm of the rising sun in Mount Bromo or Sunrise Bromo already well known to foreign countries, this is not something familiar, yet to Bromo name if you do not see the beauty of the beautiful Bromo Sunrise so riveting.
Of the many reference books and online sites, Mount Bromo included in a row of big tourist areas and the most popular in Indonesia, other than I have on tour packages bromo, I also have a recommendation provider of package tours Yogyakarta - Bromo - Ijen - Bali or from Bromo directly to Bali can, adjust the interest of the users who want a holiday, more than that I also have a recommendation Bromo Tour Package providers, travel packages Malang, East Java known for the temperature of the air is cool and beautiful natural beauty.
Popular tourist locations in the unfortunate like Coban Rondo Waterfall, Taman Selecta, Jatimpark and many more attractions in Malang and Batu.Dalam terms of tourism in East Java, I have a lot of experience, because I am a native of East Java, precisely in the city Kediri: D. I dare to giverecommendations Bromo Tour Package  to you because I've never tried and now I actually get to know the owner of tour and travel agent that I recommend it, the name of his travel agent Bromo Executive Tour.

Bromo tour packages

bromo tour packages
Bromo Tour Package
How to Mount Bromo by using the services of travel? Actually easy and simple. In addition to easy, along with a tour group you will certainly not feel bothered anymore to think about this again when purchasing tour packages Bromo in the travel agent. The trick? at least 1 week or 1 month and nicer if booked 3 months before departure, you can book a package tour in advance before it is time to depart.
The roads to Mount Bromo by ordering Package Bromo will start from pick-up the participants at a predetermined place, for example if you want to be picked up at the airport Juanda - Surabaya or other places around Surabaya and you want to be delivered back to Surabaya airport or place you specify around Surabaya at the time of his return, of course it could.
Arriving at the airport or station in the city of Surabaya or Malang will be directly picked up by a team of Executive Bromo Tour Package which provides Bromo at a predetermined time. Suppose that the participants want to be picked up at Juanda Airport in Surabaya at 09:00 am today, at that time anyway Bromo Executive Tour team will not make participants wait too long and ended up at the airport in Surabaya.
Previous prospective service users I recommend this tour can be booked in advance by paying an advance of predetermined and agreed upon. After the payment to pay off some reservations then Bromo Bromo Tour Package Tour Executive would find an inn or hotel for a rest at a time where the participants traveled. Not much really, at least a down payment you can pay to reserve your hotel as a place to rest.

Questions & Answers Regarding Tour Bromo.

Then how Bromo Tour Package reservations at the time the big day? If the participants want to vacation during specific days have to book in advance at least 1 month before departure because it is difficult to find hotel rooms in Bromo if suddenly.
Participants can continue gak choice recommendations? of course the Executive Bromo Tour Package will provide several options with different price and facilities.
Then if the participants themselves who booked hotels should not? of course allowed and Bromo Executive Tour will provide the telephone number of the hotel which then users can reserve their own.
If the user already booked the hotel itself, an advance for reservations Bromo Tour Package to be paid to the travel agent is not too large, and participants are required to immediately pay in cash all bills on time is met with a team of Bromo Executive Tour. Another question you can ask yourself past the contact service Bromo Executive Tour.
Well less moreover huh? I also want to love ya willing trip to Mount Bromo tour without having to purchase travel packages Bromo alias using privately owned vehicles, but if you want more easily anyway I suggest to rent a car around Bromo plus the driver so that it is easier and save time :) ,

Addresses and tourist sites of Mount Bromo.

Location Mount Bromo is quite easy to be accessed using a personal vehicle two-wheeled or four because of the road conditions are Good (paved). It will feel much easier when you buy a tour package Bromo I recommend to help you when you want traveled to Mount Bromo. Mount Bromo tourism sites more easily accessed via Probolinggo, that time when I visit Mount Bromo is from Kediri.

Route to Mount Bromo of Kediri.

If you come from Kediri - Tulung - Jombang can ride Bus Harapan Jaya and majored in Surabaya later behenti to oper bus at Terminal Mojokerto. After arriving at Terminal Mojokerto you can find mini bus that leads to Pasuruan and down again in the terminal Pasuruan then you should look for another bus with a major in Probolinggo. It takes 3-4 hours if from the town of Kediri. Or it would be much easier if you book Bromo Tour Package.
After arriving at the terminal Probolinggo you can seek the services of Car Rental in Probolinggo to get to Mount Bromo. So much easier, I recommend to book a vehicle at the Executive Bromo Tour that also sells car rental services.

Route to Mount Bromo from Surabaya

The easiest access is through a big city like Surabaya, if you are from the city or from anywhere you are, can go to the city of Surabaya in advance by using a plane / Train / Bus. Having arrived in Surabaya, you can search for Purbaya terminal, but people are more often referred Surabaya Terminal Bungurasih name and look for the bus leading to the city of Probolinggo (suitable for travelers). For those who come from far away, it is better if the book Package Bromo in advance so as not to bother later on when it arrived at Surabaya / Malang.
Once there, you can rent a car to get to Mount Bromo, because there is no public transport to Mount Bromo. My recommendation please contact: +6281358889541 or BB Pin: 2709CF6D. But I can not be sure the vehicle if youà order is too abrupt, especially when the big day as weekend and day - other holidays. It is better if you order Package Bromo far day before departure.

Mount Bromo route from Malang

Malang is the second largest city in East Java, apart from the city of Surabaya, you also pay a visit to Mount Bromo from the city of Malang. By searching the bus majors Malang - Pasuruan - Probolinggo.
Full Address Mount Bromo: Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Ngadas, Sukapura, 67 254 Probolinggo, Indonesia.

Preparation Prior to Mount Bromo.

1. Bring a jacket or clothing that is able to withstand cold
Use jacket that can withstand the cold, is not a jacket for fashion or just mejeng only. T-Shirt bring some backup in case if the jacket is still felt cold, you can use the T-Shirt first before using the jacket. 2. Bringing Scarves, hats, and gloves

If the jacket is felt not to warm the neck. We recommend that you bring a scarf to warm your neck so that not too chills. You can also bring a hat and gloves. If you do not have equipment like this, not to worry because around Mount Bromo there that sell various kinds of scarves, hats and gloves, although the price is slightly more expensive than the regular price. Tim provider Bromo Tour Package tell this so you are not surprised later after reaching the destination.
3. Using Shoes.
Do not think to use ordinary sandals, as will most of the road you will travel is rocky and slippery roads. Wear hiking boots or shoes will be more useful than wearing sneakers, besides this type of shoe is much stronger can further protect your feet from injury. Before ordering Bromo Tour Package helps if you read these tips to Bromo holiday like this.
4. Bring Flashlight / Flashlight.
If you want to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise at the top of the climb, you have to start climbing when the sky was still in a state of complete darkness. Illumination of the flashlight can be a little help your eyesight when walking in the rugged area. 5. Carrying and Using the Mask.

Mount Bromo region is more likely to sandy and windy. By bringing the mask to protect the nose and mouth from dust and sand that can cause coughing and stinging in the throat. Good tips from the team of providers Bromo Tour Package for those who want a vacation to Bromo.
6. Food and Beverages.
In the vicinity of Mount Bromo, you can indeed find quite many stalls selling snacks. But it is better if you bring some snacks and drinks for the anticipation of hunger and thirst, but it is also because the price of food at Mount Bromo is much more expensive.
7. Money Moderation.
The good you bring enough money, do not take too much and do not let the lack of money, because at Mount Bromo no ATM machine to take money: D.

Admission prices Mount Bromo in 2014.

Latest rates that have been prevailing, for domestic tourists who initially rose to Rp37.500 Rp10 thousand during the weekday. Being for the weekend and other holidays so Rp67.500. If you order Bromo Tour Packages can include ticket and it may not, but for domestic tourists will already include admission of Mount Bromo.
For ticket rates for foreign tourists who originally was Rp72.500 rise to Rp267.500 on weekdays and during the weekend and other holidays become Rp640 thousand.

Tips and Tricks Hunting Sunrise Mount Bromo.

1. Purchase Package Bromo
The easiest way is to buy a tour package Bromo that I recommend. You can decide for themselves plihan tour packages ranging from Midnight Tour Bromo up with Java Overland. By purchasing a package Bromo, you no longer need to bother to take care of this and that or feel confused if you have questions about what less you understand it in the area of ​​Tourism Bromo, because there will guide you and ready to answer questions would you ask about tourism that you live.
2. Travel Guides Bromo Deals
For you who like a cheap cheap, just like me, hehehe, I have two tips for Mount Bromo to you.
A. Using Motorcycles
You can use a motorcycle to climb Mount Bromo if not booked Package Bromo, I recommend to pass Probolinggo because the road has been good (paved). The trip can start at 12 am from the area of ​​Probolinggo. The risk of using motorcycle is:
- Along the way you will feel cold despite wearing thick jackets layered 2 though. 
- Tired of driving. 
- There is a dark road where the illumination light only from light your own bike. 
- You have not mastered the terrain road to Mount Bromo 
- Arriving at the mountain Bromo in the region before the Desert, still be required to rent a Jeep Bromo to reach the top of the climb (the best place to see the Sunrise) 
- And many more risk you should take.
Inexperienced to Mount Bromo? if you want to use the bike itself, that's really reckless once. My advice yah buy Bromo tour packages, package and purchase a minimum of Midnight Tour Bromo or rent a car at the car rental near Probolinggo, if it's your first time there, at least to know the road conditions and in order to get experience first.
B. Purchase Package Midnight Tour Bromo - 12 Hours.

Hotels Near Mount Bromo Tourism.

Cafe Lava Hostel
Address: Jl Raya Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari, location of the hotel is so close to the entrance of the national park Bromo Tengger Semeru. By offering a relatively inexpensive price, this hotel is perfect for those who want a bit more frugal.
Beautiful fir
Address: Jl Raya Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari 
At the inn this one you can instantly see Mount Bromo. By having bathroom facilities equipped with hot water.
Hotel Bromo Permai
Address: Jl Raya Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari 
hotel location Bromo Permai strategic enough, but the price of each room is relatively much more expensive when compared to other lodgings in the vicinity. But this hotel is very strategic location to enjoy your relaxing day.
Lava View Lodge
Address: Jl Raya Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari 
Hotel is the most classy and also nicest scenery, the equivalent location Casuarina Hotel is beautiful and has many advantages when compared to other hotels near Mount Bromo. Having a clean room equipped with hot water facilities that will spoil you.

Places of Interest Around Mount Bromo.

Padang Savana / Savana Teletubbies
Padang Savana / Savana Teletubbies
Whispering Sand Mount Bromo
Whispering Sand Mount Bromo
The crater of Mount Bromo
The crater of Mount Bromo
Waterfall Madakaripura
Waterfall Madakaripura
River Rafting Pekalen Probolinggo
River Rafting Pekalen Probolinggo
Coban Rondo Waterfall
Coban Rondo Waterfall
Kusuma Agro Malang
Kusuma Agro Malang

Bromo Tour Package

Well now less moreover ya tips to Mount Bromo it: D, For those who do not want complicated I suggest purchasing a package Bromo deh let alone safe and much easier. Many options will make you feel happy in choosing Bromo tour package, which is a major priority to customer satisfaction.
Start of a tour package bromo most minimal namely Package Midnight Tour Bromo to adjust your wishes we provide.
  • Trekking Mount Semeru 4Days 3Malam
  • Surabaya / Malang - Bromo Midnight Tour / Travel Mount Bromo 12 Hours
  • Surabaya / Malang - Mount Bromo 2hari Travel 1Malam
  • Surabaya / Malang - Bromo - Rafting Pekalen 3Hari 2Nights
  • Surabaya / Malang - Bromo - Batu Malang 4Days 3Malam
  • Surabaya / Malang - Bromo - Ijen Crater 3Hari 2Nights
  • Surabaya / Malang - Ranu Kumbolo - Tourism Mount Bromo 3 Days 2 Nights
  • Surabaya / Malang - Travel Ijen Crater 2hari 1 Night
  • Surabaya / Malang - crater - Baluran 3Hari 2Nights
  • Surabaya / Malang - crater - Bromo - Malang Batu 4Days 3Malam
  • Surabaya / Malang - Bromo - Papuma Beach 3 Days 2 Nights
  • Surabaya / Malang - Malang Batu Tour 3Hari 2Nights
  • Bali - crater - Bromo 3Hari 2Nights
  • Bromo - Ijen Crater - Sukamade - Kalibaru Tour 5hari 4Malam

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